Gyms and Fitness Clubs

Gain More Insight into your Fitness Goals with Our Health and Fitness Calculators

Gyms & Fitness Clubs has developed the following calculators to help you reach your fitness goals. Our calculators are based on the most popular formulas used by most personal trainers and fitness clubs. Use the links below to start your journey to better health.

While online guides and calculators can help provide you with a starting point, each individual should have a customized weight management plan that takes into account their personal health and fitness factors. These factors include things such as age, medical conditions, current fitness level and overall body fat percentage. Your weight loss and fitness plan may vary from someone with the same weight but different personal factors.

A Free Fitness Plan from a qualified personal trainer can make all the difference between success and frustration.

Reaching Personal Fitness Goals

One of the most important - and most overlooked - pieces of the weight-loss puzzle is a tailored diet plan. Even with tracking hours in a fitness club you may not notice a significant reduction in excess weight (body fat). Our Diet Resources section can bring you valuable information whether you're starting out or kick starting a diet that has plateaued.