Gyms and Fitness Clubs

Volleyball is an Excellent Strength Training Sport

Volleyball burns approximately 585 calories in a 45 minute time span. If you were to do this once a day, volleyball will burn the equivalent of 61 pounds in a one year period. If that's not enough to get someone motivated to try volleyball, consider that volleyball training will push your agility, hand-eye coordination, arms, legs, and core to the limit. If one looks closely, they will see that a volleyball player's body is typically quite lean, and noticeably chiseled in the arm and leg areas. In addition, playing a team sport like volleyball improves your mood (through social interaction, as well as through endorphins, which are natural mood boosters and pain killers the human body produces through exercise), confidence, and self-worth. Volleyball training is best done at your gym, where there is plenty of equipment specifically designed to strengthen a volleyball player's body (and often a volleyball net to practice with), with your physical trainer. Your physical trainer can best determine and put more power behind your strengths, as well as the areas you aren't quite as strong in on the volleyball court. Volleyball training pushes you, but you will also be the one reaping the benefits of good health and a ripped body; your trainer is there to show you the most effective and efficient techniques in order to reach your goals and keep you motivated.

Increase Your Agility in Volleyball Using These Drills and Exercises

The definition of agility is "quick and well-coordinated in movement." There are few sports that require more agility than volleyball. In order to be on your volleyball game, muscle memory must be developed so rather than thinking about what move to make, you and your body simply know and can execute. Repetitive exercises that mimic volleyball movements are the best way to gain muscle memory. Volleyball training with the use of medicine balls is great; practice setting with a medicine ball that is appropriate for your current strength (don't worry - the exercise will still be quite challenging). Grab several volleyballs and simply have your trainer toss them over the volleyball net (at a quick pace) while you return them in correct form, one after another. The more your trainer varies the direction of their throws, the more "prepared for anything" you will be on the volleyball court. Shuttle runs (which are essentially very short-distance sprints) are also an excellent way to increase your agility when facing a ball coming over the volleyball net. Acceleration and control are key to returning a volley.

Strong Arms Are A Key Asset in Volleyball

Volleyball training that utilizes and pushes your arm strength will give you a more efficient and accurate outcome in a volley. Volleyball arms are often trained through less common methods, as volleyball utilizes unique muscles. To strengthen your wrists and forearms, do some dumbbell curls with your wrists (remember to use a lighter weight). Next, take a pair of dumbbells (you may need to increase the weight depending on your strength) and extend your arms straight out at your sides until they are level with your shoulders. To get more bang, alternate raising the dumbbells from your sides to straight in front of you. The most important thing to keep in mind while doing this particular exercise is maintaining absolute control over your arms at all times; slowly raise and lower your arms, and don't hold your breath. This will keep your muscles constantly working and increase the benefits of the exercise.

The Importance of the Right Pair of Volleyball Shoes

Finally, proper volleyball shoes are imperative for playing at your best. While volleyball shoes alone won't improve your skill, they are designed to facilitate volleyball movements and are extremely light weight. It is said that a proper volleyball shoe will feel like you're running barefoot. A rubber and gum rubber composite cover the outer sole of modern volleyball shoes; a method which provides the most traction for a player on the volleyball court. Since volleyball players spend most of their time on the balls of their feet, good volleyball shoes will have added advanced materials to the forefoot area. The mid sole of volleyball shoes absorbs shock and is usually made with both sheet and molded EVA foam, which is important in preventing shin and knee injuries. For the upper portion of volleyball shoes, you typically have the choice of mesh, leather, suede, or a leather/mesh combination. Mesh is the most breathable and lightweight, which is always a plus. For ankle support, it is wise to get a higher volleyball shoe. The portion that covers your ankles should be made of genuine or synthetic leather in order to provide proper support, as these materials are thicker and more stable.