Gyms and Fitness Clubs

Put Some Spark in Traditional Exercise: Preface


Does your current workout go something like this? You drag yourself to the gym, waste some time getting into your workout clothes in order to prolong the monotonous task of walking on the treadmill. Finally you're dressed and you manage to make it to the treadmill section. You get on and reluctantly set the timer for 30 minutes. Five minutes hasn't even gone by and you're already bored out of your mind. You think to yourself, "I've only been doing this for a couple weeks and I'm already sick of it, how can I make it a lifestyle?"

Can you relate to this scenario? We are creatures of habit. Whether we start the day by reading the morning newspaper or watching a particular television program each week, we tend to form patterns that are hard to break. When it comes to exercise, patterns may be counterproductive as boredom sets in. Many people can get stuck in this rut if they don't know how to make traditional exercise more interesting.

When you are thinking of beginning a more traditional style exercise program, you need to ask yourself a few questions. These questions will help you to make the activity more enjoyable and rewarding.