Gyms and Fitness Clubs

Your Personal Trainer Might Not Like You

A lot of people employ personal trainers in order to get an edge on their fitness and weight loss regimens. By having a highly trainer personal trainer there to help teach you proper techniques, motivate you and so on can be a real benefit. Sadly, many people seem to misuse their personal trainers, as an article in The Globe and Mail entitled, "Annoyed at the gym? Your personal trainer doesn’t like you either" details. In this article, they talk with personal trainers who identify five different types of troublesome clients who make their jobs so much harder.

First off, there's "The Perv," who throws out sexual come on's and advances to their trainers, and this happens to both males and females. Trainers might be all sweaty and in good shape, but that doesn't mean they should be the target of sexual advances, as it makes many trainers feel awkward and uncomfortable. Secondly, there's the "Diet Denier," a person who comes to their appointments and never loses any weight because they're missing a key component in losing weight, and that's proper diet. Apparently many of these people think they're eating healthily, but they aren't, and it can take weeks or months of no progress for the cause to be found. In the meantime they blame their trainer for the lack of weight loss.

The third type of troublesome client is the "Late Lucy." These are people who feel that, since they paid for an hour, they're going to get an hour, whether they're fifteen or thirty minutes late. This causes a problem because, while this client expects to get the full hour, the next client who is likely on time has to wait for this client's session to be finished, which can cause problematic situations, according to one trainer, “For a professional who makes their money by the hour, it’s kind of like the ultimate disrespect." The fourth type of client is "Bad Technique Guy". This client -- it can be a man or a woman -- just "sleepwalks" through their sessions and doesn't pay attention, therefore they don't correctly learn proper techniques and equipment usage, so months down the line when they've lost little weight, they really only have themselves to blame.

The final type in the article is the "Too Much Information" client. This is where clients treat their trainers like therapists, telling them way too much personal detail about their lives. Trainers aren't there to help you feel better emotionally or psychologically, they're there to help you get a good workout. The moral of the article, I'd venture, is that one should see their trainer as only fulfilling one role, that of a personal trainer, not a therapist or a sexual partner or so on. While I'm sure most clients are just fine, if you have a personal trainer, it would make sense to think about how they're treated. Who knows, maybe you fit into one of these categories and don't even know it.